
Basic Usage Example 3

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Initialize the plugin entirely via javascript. This is a variation to Basic Example 1, where the CSS class markdown is NOT ADDED to the textarea element. The plugin options are instead set via javascript as options to the plugin markdownEditor.

This example also shows usage of other plugin options. For example, you can open the widget by default in SPLIT mode (markdown editor and HTML preview side by side), by setting the defaultMode to split. Notice how the widget provides synchronized scrolling of the raw text and formatted HTML content. Note that the SPLIT mode does the markdown conversion on the FLY as you type/edit, and can have a performance impact in updating the preview. If you do not wish the preview to be updated on the FLY - then set enableLivePreview to false.

Note, the demo example(s) uses:

  • this as the raw input source for the markdown textarea.

  • these assets loaded on the page in the order mentioned.


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<textarea id="editor-b3" name="editor-b3" class="form-control" rows="15">

<script type="text/javascript">
    bsVersion: '4.1.1',
    defaultMode: 'split'


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