
Basic Usage Example 1

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Automatically convert a textarea element to Krajee Markdown Editor widget by setting its class as markdown. When using this approach to initialize without any javascript, you can set the plugin options as HTML5 data attributes to the textarea element. For example, you can set the bsVersion property via data-bs-version attribute.

Use the preview mode buttons in the bottom right corner of the editor to switch between the text editor and html preview modes. Note also that the height you set for the textarea element will be remembered (e.g. the rows="15" attribute setting will auto-configure the height of the editor region for the example).

The editor will automatically downgrade to a native HTML Textarea in case javascript/jquery is blocked on the browser. Notice also the bootstrap CSS class form-control is added to the textarea input element for this example. This will help handle the native textarea display style prior to plugin initialization.

Note, the demo example(s) uses:

  • this as the raw input source for the markdown textarea.

  • these assets loaded on the page in the order mentioned.


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<textarea id="editor-b1" name="editor-b1" class="form-control markdown" rows="15" data-bs-version="4.1.1">


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