
Bootstrap Checkbox X Demo

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An extended checkbox plugin for Bootstrap built using JQuery, which allows three checkbox states and includes additional styles. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup and CSS 3 styling by default, but it can be overridden with any other CSS markup. It also helps you to fallback to a native checkbox OR display native checkboxes with tristate capability.

With v1.5.4, the plugin now supports initializing widget on a SELECT input as well (other than a CHECKBOX or TEXT input).


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Basic usage examples of the CheckboxX plugin.
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Advanced usage examples of the CheckboxX plugin.
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Displaying checkboxes in various sizes (enhances and builds over bootstrap form input contextual sizes).
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Various label positioning methods and label styling features for the checkbox widget.
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Automatically highlight and style the plugin differently for various bootstrap contextual color states (i.e. error, success, and warning.)
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Configure your own theme to style the checkboxes. The plugin includes an additional theme krajee-flatblue in addition to the default theme. To set the theme krajee-flatblue, you must load the theme-krajee-flatblue.css file after the checkbox-x.css file. Then set the theme property to krajee-flatblue.
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Manage various states of the checkboxes (2 state and 3 state) and combine it with label positioning
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Initialize the plugin on a native TEXT input instead of a native checkbox
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Initialize the plugin on a native SELECT input instead of a native checkbox


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visitors to Krajee Jquery Plugins since 22-May-2017