
Bootstrap Star Rating

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A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap which supports advanced features like fractional star fill and RTL input support. Developed with a focus on utlizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup and styling by default, but it can be overridden with any other CSS markup. View a complete demo.


With release 4.0.3, the plugin includes added support for Bootstrap 4.x. Release 4.0.0 is a modified rewrite with various new enhancements and BC breaking features. Refer change log for new features and details.


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  • Convert any HTML input to a star rating control.

  • Accessibility enabled and allows rating navigation and modification via the keyboard.

  • Easy Configuration: The plugin automatically converts an input to a star rating control if you set its class = rating. All options to the input can be passed as HTML5 data attributes.

  • The plugin supports fractional star ratings. So one can have any fractional stars highlighted and managed. This is totally configurable and one of a significant differentiator as compared to most other rating plugins.

  • Ability to size the rating control to any size including the stars, caption, and clear button. Five prebuilt size templates are available xl, lg, md, sm, and xs. However one can have their own size configured through a simple CSS manipulation.

  • Use any of your favorite font icon frameworks to render your star symbols (for example you can easily use the icons from the FontAwesome library).

  • The plugin supports themes for advanced styling.

  • The plugin includes translation and locale support for multi languages.

  • You can use the HTML 5 number input for polyfill and the plugin will automatically use the number attributes like min, max, and step. However, number inputs have a problem with decimal values on the Chrome Browser. Read the Browser Support section below.

  • Involves pure CSS3 styling of the stars. Say goodbye to image sprites or playing with image backgrounds. Offers clean scalable vector icons for consistent display across devices.

  • Specifically uses Bootstrap 3.x styles & glyphs. Can be combined to work better for Bootstrap styled projects (or input group addons).

  • Ability to clear values and options for the stars. Control where the clear button element can be shown.

  • Reset star rating to the initial value when the form is reset.

  • Ability to control and display caption of the selected stars. Each rated star can have its own caption. Control where the caption element can be shown.

  • Support for RIGHT TO LEFT (RTL) input. Automatically changes star styling for RTL.

  • Triggers JQuery events for advanced development. Events currently available are rating:change, rating:clear, and rating:reset.

  • Disabled and readonly input star rating support.

  • Change stars and caption on mouse hover (new feature since v3.0.0).

  • Change stars and caption on slide and drag for mobile/touch devices (new feature since v3.1.0).

Note: Release 4.0.0 is a modified rewrite with various new enhancements and BC breaking features.
  • BC Breaking Changes: The symbol and glyphicon properties have been be removed. The functionality is replaced with the theme property (and can also be complemented or implemented separately using the containerClass property).

  • New property theme will assign a CSS class with the rating-<theme-name> to the rating container. Themes included with the plugin:

    • krajee-svg (for displaying SVG icons)

    • krajee-gly (for displaying bootstrap 3.x glyphicons)

    • krajee-uni (for displaying UNICODE symbols as stars)

    • krajee-fa (for displaying FONT AWESOME 4.x icons)

    • krajee-fas (for displaying FONT AWESOME 5.x icons and above)

  • Add ability to override and add one's own themes.

  • Stars now have a better padding and spacing that can be configured via CSS and themes.

  • New property filledStar that will allow one to set the markup for filledStar. This defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></i>. Note that unlike earlier releases no symbol is needed anymore. One can setup a HTML markup here and can thus achieve richer/complex markup for displaying their stars.

  • New property emptyStar that will allow one to set the markup for emptyStar. This defaults to <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></i>. Note that unlike earlier releases no symbol is needed anymore. One can setup a HTML markup here and can thus achieve richer/complex markup for displaying their stars.

  • Exclusive support for SVG (and a prebuilt krajee-svg theme that contains two different ready to use SVG icons).

  • Ability to easily set the widget as a "display only" rating via displayOnly property.

  • New property animate to control animation of highlighted stars on hover or click.

Browser Support

If you are using the HTML5 NUMBER input to initialize the rating, please read this. The number field does not accept decimals in Google Chrome. The input is allowed, but when the user submits the form, they get an error message and are instructed to enter a valid number (whole numbers only). Other browsers like Firefox allow decimals on the number fields. Till this is standardized across browsers, the workaround for this is to use a normal text input, and initialize the rating via javascript.


  • When using the rtl mode, you must ensure that the icon markup you set in filledStar is symmetrical horizontally. This is because the plugin default CSS styling uses a horizontal mirror flipped version of the filledStar markup.

  • The rtl input ratings are by default floated right. You may need to add a <div class="clearfix></div> for bootstrap styling after RTL ratings to ensure that floats are cleared for subsequent content displayed.

  • If you are already using a HTML markup on your page which has the content RTL oriented, then you must be careful in setting the rtl property. For example, if you have an <html dir="rtl"> at top of your page and wish to have a RTL oriented star rating, then you may take one of the following approaches to render a proper RTL rating

    • Option 1: Wrap the rating inside a LTR container e.g. <div dir="ltr">.

    • Option 2: You can set the rtl setting for the plugin to false.

  1. Latest JQuery

  2. Most modern browsers supporting CSS3, HTML5 inputs, & JQuery. For Internet Explorer, one must use IE versions 9 and above to render the rating.

  3. Bootstrap 3.x is optional and used by default, but can be overridden to use any CSS.

The bootstrap-star-rating plugin can be installed automatically or manually using one of these options:

Bower Package Manager

Installation via bower package manager is as simple as running:

$ bower install bootstrap-star-rating

Node Package Manager

Installation via NPM is as simple as running:

$ npm install bootstrap-star-rating

Composer Package Manager

You can install bootstrap-star-rating via composer package manager. Either run:

$ php composer.phar require kartik-v/bootstrap-star-rating "dev-master"

or add:

"kartik-v/bootstrap-star-rating": "dev-master"

to your composer.json file

Manual Install

You can also manually install the plugin easily to your project. Just download the source ZIP or TAR ball and extract the plugin asset files and folders into your project.


The plugin will automatically convert fields of [input class="rating"] to a star rating control, i.e. if you attach a css class rating to the input. But, if you are initializing the plugin separately via javascript, then DO NOT ATTACH the css class rating to the input (as it will result in duplicate initializations and the javascript code maybe skipped).

Step 1: Load the following assets in your header.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- optionally if you need to use a theme, then include the theme file as mentioned below -->
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- optionally if you need to use a theme, then include the theme file as mentioned below -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- optionally if you need translation for your language then include locale file as mentioned below (replace LANG.js with your locale specific file) -->
<script src=""></script>

If you noticed, you need to load the jquery.min.js and bootstrap.min.css in addition to the star-rating.min.css and star-rating.min.js. The theme files and translation files are optional addons.

Step 2a: Initialize the plugin on your page. For example,

// initialize with defaults
// with plugin options
$("#input-id").rating({min:1, max:10, step:2, size:'lg'});

The #input-id is the identifier for the input on your page, which is hidden automatically by the plugin.

Step 2b: Alternatively, you can directly set the plugin options to any input, through HTML 5 data attributes to your input field.

<input id="input-id" name="input-name" type="number" class="rating" min=1 max=10 step=2 data-size="lg" data-rtl="true">
As shown in the usage section, translations are now enabled with release 3.5.5. You can load a locale file /star-rating_locale_<lang>.js after the core star-rating.min.js file, where <lang> is the language code (e.g. de, fr etc.). If locale file does not exist, you can submit a translation for the new language via a new pull request to add to this folder. Check the sample locale file to copy and create a translation configuration for your own language.
View Plugin Options
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View Plugin Methods

The plugin has been implemented as extensions in the following frameworks

Sl.FrameworkExtension SourceDeveloped ByExtension Demo
1.Yii Framework 2.0Yii2 WidgetsKrajee Yii2 Star Rating

Do you know any other framework extension using this plugin which is not listed here? Tell us so that we can consider its inclusion in this list.

bootstrap-star-rating is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled for details.


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The comments and discussion section below are intended for generic discussions or feedback for this plugin. Developers may not be able to search or lookup here specific questions or tips on usage for this plugin.

visitors to Krajee Jquery Plugins since 22-May-2017