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The plugin supports the following methods. Many of the methods below support method chaining because they return the star rating input element as a jQuery object.


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Update the rating by setting a value via javascript. The method accepts a rating value as a parameter. This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.

$('#input-id').rating('update', 3);

// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('update', 3).val();


Use this method to dynamically refresh the rating options via javascript after the plugin has been initialized. The method accepts the plugin options entered as an object (associative array). This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.

// Example: Call the method below in rating:change event to disable the rating and
// hide the clear button.
$('#input-id').rating('refresh', {disabled: true, showClear: false, showCaption: true});

// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('refresh', {
    disabled: true,
    showClear: false,
    showCaption: true


Reset the rating to the initial value. For example after a form reset. This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.


// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('reset').val();


Clear the rating. This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.


// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('clear').val();


Destroys the rating. This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.


// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('destroy').val();


Creates the rating after destroying any existing rating plugin instance. This method returns the rating input element as a jQuery object and can thus be chained with other methods.

// will re-create rating based on initial plugin options

// method chaining
var ratingValue = $('#input-id').rating('create').val();

// any new plugin options if passed will be used instead of initial plugin options
$('#input-id').rating('create', {disabled: true});


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visitors to Krajee Jquery Plugins since 22-May-2017