
Theming: Font Awesome 4 BS3

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Using the Font Awesome 4 theme with Bootstrap version 3.3.7 (you need to load the Bootstrap version 3.3.7 CSS and JS assets on your page. You need to set the bsVersion property to 3.3.7. For this example, the toolbarHeaderR has been set to an empty array to hide the full screen toggle mode button.

Next, set the theme property to fa4. You need to then load the respective theme assets (JS/CSS) for the theme file after your markdown-editor CSS/JS scripts. You also need the Font Awesome icons for fa4 loaded on your page. For example:

<-- load your font awesome icons for Font Awesome 4 -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<-- load the theme js script after markdown-editor.min.js -->
<script src=""></script>

Note, the demo example(s) uses:

  • this as the raw input source for the markdown textarea.

  • these assets loaded on the page in the order mentioned.


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<textarea id="editor-fa4-bs3" name="editor-fa4-bs3" class="form-control" rows="15">

<script type="text/javascript">
    theme: 'fa4',
    bsVersion: '3.3.7',
    toolbarHeaderR: []


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