
Advanced Usage Example 3

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Creating your own custom buttons and custom actions, labels, icons, and titles. The toolbarFooterL has been changed in this example to include buttons to generate LEFT arrow and RIGHT arrow markup. In addition, this example also shows how you can configure the markdown-it library plugin options. For example, you can allow HTML code to be typed in the editor by setting html setting to true within markdownItOptions.

When allowing html input, you must purify the HTML output to prevent XSS attack.

The purify.min.js is the DomPurify plugin by cure53. It is required to be loaded before markdown-editor.min.js if you wish to purify your HTML for HTML content preview and is called when purifyHtml is set to true. This is normally only needed when you set allow html to true within markdownItOptions .

<!-- Include DOM purify plugin to purify HTML output. This must be loaded before markdown-editor.js. -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Note, the demo example(s) uses:

  • this as the raw input source for the markdown textarea.

  • these assets loaded on the page in the order mentioned.


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<textarea id="editor-a3" name="editor-a3" class="form-control" rows="15">

<script type="text/javascript">
    toolbarFooterL: [
        ['arrowLeft', 'arrowRight']
    buttonActions: {
        arrowLeft: {before: '<--', after: ' ', 'default': ''},
        arrowRight: {before: '-->', after: ' ', 'default': ''}
    buttonTitles: {
        arrowLeft: 'Left Arrow',
        arrowRight: 'Right Arrow'
    icons: {
        arrowLeft: '<span class="fas fa-fw fa-arrow-left"></span>',
        arrowRight: '<span class="fas fa-fw fa-arrow-right"></span>'
    markdownItOptions: {
        html: true
    purifyHtml: true


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