
File Preview Icons Demo

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You may want to show custom icons based on file type for each preview thumbnail instead of embedding file content OR the default previewFileIcon. The plugin provides you with the ability to set different user friendly file type icons to be shown within the file thumbnail instead of the default previewFileIcon. This method also has an added advantage of an improved performance, since in this method the plugin does not incur the overhead of FileAPI reading and displaying the file content for preview. It is also useful, when you want to display icons for each file type instead of displaying content within the files. You must set the previewFileIconSettings to set the file type icon for each file extension. Note: For this to be effective, you must configure allowedPreviewTypes AND / OR allowedPreviewMimeTypes. These will enable you to allow the parsing of embedded content only for these selected file types and display file type icons for the rest. You can also configure previewFileExtSettings for advanced scenarios to auto-derive extensions via a callback.


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Disable preview of content for all file types and instead show file type icons. This example shows how you can set custom icons for the following file types: docx, xlsx, pptx, jpg, pdf, zip. This example uses font-awesome icons to generate the file icons. So to test these examples, you must have the font-awesome css loaded. However, you can use bootstrap provided glyphicons OR any other icon framework OR image markup to generate the file type thumbnails. This example also shows how you can override the default previewFileIcon.
<!-- Custom icons for docx, xlsx, pptx, jpg, pdf, zip -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-1" name="input-ficons-1[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    uploadAsync: true,
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    allowedPreviewTypes: null, // set to empty, null or false to disable preview for all types
    previewFileIconSettings: {
        'docx': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xlsx': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'pptx': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'jpg': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-warning"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',
Advanced variation of scenario 1 that includes ability to auto derive icons for multiple file extensions via function callback. In addition this includes configuration of alwaysPreviewFileExtensions, which forces content preview of JPG, GIF and PNG files for this example and iconic preview for others. Also remember to set previewFileExtSettings with the same keys as set in previewFileIconSettings.
<!-- Custom icons with callback -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-2" name="input-ficons-2[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    uploadAsync: false,
    alwaysPreviewFileExtensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'],
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    previewFileIconSettings: {
        'doc': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xls': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'ppt': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'jpg': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-warning"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',
        'htm': '<i class="fas fa-file-code text-info"></i>',
        'txt': '<i class="fas fa-file-text text-info"></i>',
        'mov': '<i class="fas fa-file-movie-o text-warning"></i>',
        'mp3': '<i class="fas fa-file-audio text-warning"></i>',
    previewFileExtSettings: {
        'doc': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(doc|docx)$/i);
        'xls': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(xls|xlsx)$/i);
        'ppt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(ppt|pptx)$/i);
        'zip': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(zip|rar|tar|gzip|gz|7z)$/i);
        'htm': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(php|js|css|htm|html)$/i);
        'txt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(txt|ini|md)$/i);
        'mov': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(avi|mpg|mkv|mov|mp4|3gp|webm|wmv)$/i);
        'mp3': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(mp3|wav)$/i);
Variation of scenario 1 to display file content in preview for certain file types (e.g. image & text) but disallow others to be previewed (and show only iconic thumbnails).
<!-- Allow only certain file content for preview -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-3" name="input-ficons-3[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    allowedPreviewTypes: ['image', 'text'], // allow only preview of image & text files
    previewFileIconSettings: {
        'docx': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xlsx': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'pptx': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',
Variation of scenario 3 to use mime types to configure the list of allowed preview types. You can set allowedPreviewMimeTypes for this use case. This example considers previewing content of only JPEG Images and Javascript files.
<!-- Allow only certain file content for preview -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-4" name="input-ficons-4[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    allowedPreviewTypes: null, // disable preview of standard types
    allowedPreviewMimeTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'text/javascript'], // allow content to be shown only for certain mime types 
    previewFileIconSettings: {
        'docx': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xls': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'xlsx': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'pptx': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',

Advanced preview with different configurations for normal thumbnails and zoomed file content. For example, show only an iconic preview for thumbnails, but display detailed content for zoomed content. One can set preferIconicPreview boolean property for this use case. This will use previewFileIconSettings to first detect and display an icon, else the file content will be used for preview where possible. The zoomed preview will however display the complete content for the use case.

For an example of using iconic preview for thumbnails in initial preview, refer the preview management demo.

<!-- Iconic preview for thumbs and detailed preview for zoom -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-5" name="input-ficons-5[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    uploadAsync: false,
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    preferIconicPreview: true, // this will force thumbnails to display icons for following file extensions
    previewFileIconSettings: { // configure your icon file extensions
        'doc': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xls': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'ppt': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',
        'htm': '<i class="fas fa-file-code text-info"></i>',
        'txt': '<i class="fas fa-file-text text-info"></i>',
        'mov': '<i class="fas fa-file-movie-o text-warning"></i>',
        'mp3': '<i class="fas fa-file-audio text-warning"></i>',
        // note for these file types below no extension determination logic 
        // has been configured (the keys itself will be used as extensions)
        'jpg': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-danger"></i>', 
        'gif': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-warning"></i>', 
        'png': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-primary"></i>'    
    previewFileExtSettings: { // configure the logic for determining icon file extensions
        'doc': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(doc|docx)$/i);
        'xls': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(xls|xlsx)$/i);
        'ppt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(ppt|pptx)$/i);
        'zip': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(zip|rar|tar|gzip|gz|7z)$/i);
        'htm': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(htm|html)$/i);
        'txt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(txt|ini|csv|java|php|js|css)$/i);
        'mov': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(avi|mpg|mkv|mov|mp4|3gp|webm|wmv)$/i);
        'mp3': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(mp3|wav)$/i);

Variation (reverse scenario) of scenario 5 to show detailed content for thumbnails but prefer iconic preview for zoomed content. For example, show only an iconic preview for thumbnails, but display detailed content for zoomed content. One can set preferIconicZoomPreview boolean property for this use case.

For an example of using iconic preview for thumbnails in initial preview, refer the preview management demo.

<!-- Detailed preview for thumbs and iconic preview for zoom -->
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="input-ficons-6" name="input-ficons-6[]" multiple type="file">
    uploadUrl: "/file-upload-batch/2",
    uploadAsync: false,
    previewFileIcon: '<i class="fas fa-file"></i>',
    preferIconicZoomPreview: true, // this will force zoom preview thumbnails to display icons for following file extensions
    previewFileIconSettings: { // configure your icon file extensions
        'doc': '<i class="fas fa-file-word text-primary"></i>',
        'xls': '<i class="fas fa-file-excel text-success"></i>',
        'ppt': '<i class="fas fa-file-powerpoint text-danger"></i>',
        'pdf': '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf text-danger"></i>',
        'zip': '<i class="fas fa-file-archive text-muted"></i>',
        'htm': '<i class="fas fa-file-code text-info"></i>',
        'txt': '<i class="fas fa-file-text text-info"></i>',
        'mov': '<i class="fas fa-file-movie-o text-warning"></i>',
        'mp3': '<i class="fas fa-file-audio text-warning"></i>',
        // note for these file types below no extension determination logic 
        // has been configured (the keys itself will be used as extensions)
        'jpg': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-danger"></i>', 
        'gif': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-warning"></i>', 
        'png': '<i class="fas fa-file-image text-primary"></i>'    
    previewFileExtSettings: { // configure the logic for determining icon file extensions
        'doc': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(doc|docx)$/i);
        'xls': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(xls|xlsx)$/i);
        'ppt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(ppt|pptx)$/i);
        'zip': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(zip|rar|tar|gzip|gz|7z)$/i);
        'htm': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(htm|html)$/i);
        'txt': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(txt|ini|csv|java|php|js|css)$/i);
        'mov': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(avi|mpg|mkv|mov|mp4|3gp|webm|wmv)$/i);
        'mp3': function(ext) {
            return ext.match(/(mp3|wav)$/i);


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visitors to Krajee Jquery Plugins since 22-May-2017