
Plugin Methods Demo

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Demonstration on usage of various plugin methods to manipulate the fileinput plugin. This example also shows usage of a few plugin events before and after a REFRESH method. TIP: To test destruction and recreation - try using the Browse button to select a file. Then click DESTROY. You will see the destroyed plugin and a native fileinput which will still have the file(s) selected. Clicking RECREATE will revive back the plugin along with the file(s) selected.


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Manipulate the file plugin using various built in methods.

<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="file-4" name="file-4[]" type="file" multiple>
<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-disable" type="button">Disable</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-destroy" type="button">Destroy</button>
<button class="btn btn-success btn-recreate" type="button">Recreate</button>
<button class="btn btn-info btn-refresh" type="button">Refresh</button>
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-clear" type="button">Clear</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
    // the file input
    var $el4 = $('#file-4'), initPlugin = function() {

    // initialize plugin
    // `disable` and `enable` methods
    $(".btn-disable").on('click', function() {
        var $btn = $(this);
        if (!$'fileinput')) {
        if ($el4.attr('disabled')) {
        } else {

    // `destroy` method
    $(".btn-destroy").on('click', function() {
        if ($'fileinput')) {

    // recreate plugin after destroy
    $(".btn-recreate").on('click', function() {
        if ($'fileinput')) {

    // refresh plugin with new options 
    $(".btn-refresh").on('click', function() {
        if (!$'fileinput')) {
            // just normal init when plugin is not initialized
        } else {
            // refresh already initialized plugin with new options
            $el4.fileinput('refresh', {previewClass:'bg-info'});
    // clear/reset the file input
    $(".btn-clear").on('click', function() {
Delete validation of inital preview file thumbnails. This example demonstrates how one can show a confirmation dialog before deleting using the filebeforedelete event. It also mentions an example of how you can use methods like getFilesCount to return the total files selected.
<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="file-5" name="file-5[]" type="file" multiple>
$(document).ready(function() {
    var krajeeGetCount = function(id) {
        var cnt = $('#' + id).fileinput('getFilesCount');
        return cnt === 0 ? 'You have no files remaining.' :
            'You have ' +  cnt + ' file' + (cnt > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' remaining.';
        overwriteInitial: false,
        validateInitialCount: true,
        initialPreview: [
            "<img class='kv-preview-data file-preview-image' src=''>",
            "<img class='kv-preview-data file-preview-image' src=''>",
        initialPreviewConfig: [
            {caption: "Nature-1.jpg", width: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 1},
            {caption: "Nature-2.jpg", width: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 2}
    }).on('filebeforedelete', function() {
        var aborted = !window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this file?');
        if (aborted) {
            window.alert('File deletion was aborted! ' + krajeeGetCount('file-5'));
        return aborted;
    }).on('filedeleted', function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            window.alert('File deletion was successful! ' + krajeeGetCount('file-5'));
        }, 900);
A more advanced variation of delete validation 1 scenario where a third party JS plugin like jquery-confirm is used to render the confirmation prompt. In this case the filebeforedelete event must return a promise object as shown.
<!-- load the third party plugin assets (jquery-confirm) -->
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="//"></script>

<div class="file-loading">
    <input id="file-6" name="file-6[]" type="file" multiple>
$(document).ready(function() {
    var krajeeGetCount = function(id) {
        var cnt = $('#' + id).fileinput('getFilesCount');
        return cnt === 0 ? 'You have no files remaining.' :
            'You have ' +  cnt + ' file' + (cnt > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' remaining.';
        overwriteInitial: false,
        validateInitialCount: true,
        initialPreview: [
            "<img class='kv-preview-data file-preview-image' src=''>",
            "<img class='kv-preview-data file-preview-image' src=''>",
        initialPreviewConfig: [
            {caption: "Nature-1.jpg", width: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 1},
            {caption: "Cats-2.jpg", width: "120px", url: "/site/file-delete", key: 2}
    }).on('filebeforedelete', function() {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
                title: 'Confirmation!',
                content: 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?',
                type: 'red',
                buttons: {   
                    ok: {
                        btnClass: 'btn-primary text-white',
                        keys: ['enter'],
                        action: function(){
                    cancel: function(){
                        $.alert('File deletion was aborted! ' + krajeeGetCount('file-6'));
    }).on('filedeleted', function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            $.alert('File deletion was successful! ' + krajeeGetCount('file-6'));
        }, 900);


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visitors to Krajee Jquery Plugins since 22-May-2017